Haiku for Healing

Introducing a Sampling of the Written Work of Sheila Finkelstein, Artist/Photographer/Writer/Coach

“Much of the last six years of my husband’s life was spent as his CarePartner. During the final two years, I was especially angry at the debilitating effects of Parkinson’s Disease on him and us.

My main means for controlling my anger, staying in love and finding peace was writing. For a period of time I used Haiku as a form of control. Sampling can be found in Haiku for Healing. And, then came the time when all there was/is are Memories. ”

Haiku for Healing

There is only one rule – 5/7/5 – at least that I know of. So it’s easy to be right. The counting off of the syllables gives a framework for being in control.

Haiku for healing
At least for some stress relief.
Simple it is now

Breaking up the words
Is a form of controlling
A situation…(more)


Please send me the Haiku for Healing PDF
along with my subscription to Treasure Your Life Now/formerlyPicture to Ponder, the FREE bi-weekly photo ezine that inspires and transforms the way we see our inner and outer worlds.

Click on Picture or SEND ME link to get HAIKU FOR HEALING, PDF download

Picture to Ponder Sample image

You can see postings of issue on Photography and Transformation blog. Earlier issues can be found  in the ARCHIVES

©2007 – 2016 Sheila Finkelstein – All work on this page is the work of Sheila Finkelstein and protected by copyright laws. No work may be reproduced without permission. For more information on use, e-mail Sheila or contact her at 561-752-8339

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